27 January 2008


This is a Perfect World fanfiction that I have been writing since September. The whole thing is in progress but I will finish it. I won't even try because I will.

Rating: PG - 13 for language and mild violence. Might turn R in the future.

Summary: Anwhei and and his teacher are both of the Wingkin but due to their being half Human, they are shunned by their own race. Added to that, Anwhei is a wanted criminal for "murdering" the emperor. Together, they seek to clean Anwhei's name and and unlock the secrets of his teacher's past.


by Wolfy-chan

Chapter 1

He was running; and as he ran, his feet, which were filled with wounds caused by the jagged stones that littered his path for the past three and a half hours, bled profusely. Not only were his feet wounded, his left shoulder as well, sustained a massive injury from a wayward yu mang arrow. As he moved on, he made the effort of making his bloody trail disappear by muttering enchantments under his breath.

"Shit!" he muttered hoarsely as the chains of the shackles on his feet were caught in a stone projection, causing him to stagger, almost falling. Quickly, he regained his balance, a string of curses thrown out into the frigid night air. He leaned on a large slab of granite behind him on the mountain slope and struggled to calm his erratic breathing. Once he caught up with breathing, he started to limp slowly, and then went on running. Anwhei, as he was called, was running along a narrow mountainside path northwest of Feather City, the guards and the warden hot on his trail.

He wanted to escape the Feather City guards as much as any criminal in Perfect Land wanted. But no one has ever escaped the cursed arrows of the guards, especially the warden's, a yu mang notorious for his perfect command over the metal element and could shoot his arrows with surgical precision at astoundingly long distances. His skill rivaled that of the archers in Perfect Land who already ascended, having achieved Nirvana. The only difference in him was that he was duty-bound, immersed in a blinding quest in the elimination of evil.

Not half an hour passed Anwhei started to feel lightheaded, slowing him down, certain that it was the effect of blood loss. How we wished he could find a place to hide to stop and tend his wounds. But seeing the desolate nature of the place around him, he lost hope and went on running.

Several miles away from Anwhei, the warden, Niten, and the guards were busy tracking Anwhei’s path. The warden knew that Anwhei was not the one to be underestimated. Niten knew Anwhei by heart. Knew his history, knew his habits, knew his skills, knew his strengths, and most of all, he knew his one and only weakness. If Anwhei wanted to escape, he will with his wits and nothing less.

Hell, Niten even knew what his favorite food was. When Anwhei was first bought to jail, he did not eat any of the “fodder” served to them. He wanted to starve himself to death, except when he caught scent of toasted black sesame seeds, a scent that probably wafted from the kitchens a few hundred yards away, he practically begged for mercy to have them.

Niten surveyed the scenery around him. The grassland plains gave no room for hiding, he was sure of that, and its denizens were most unfriendly. Then his eyes turned to the lone mountain and the extending hills.

“Anwhei’s only choice is to run away and take the mountain passage that will lead him to... No.... He does not know that secret path. Only I and the guards know of it,” Niten thought critically. There was no way in heaven or hell that he will let Anwhei escape. Too much was at stake. His reputation. The safety of the imperial regents. Images of Anwhei's successful prison break five hours previous and the criminal's contemptuous snarl made his blood boil.

“You!” His voice boomed with controlled anger, pointing at a yu mang who was busy searching the grass for any traces of the criminal and assassin extraordinaire, Anwhei.

“Ye... Yesss.... sir?” the yu Mang stammered as he replied to his commanding officer.

“I need you to fly back to Feather City. Send a message to the Sword and Beast City elders to alert them of our current situation,” Niten said in a surprisingly calmed voice, yet his handsome countenance was filled with dread, one that he has not felt before.

“Shouldn't we alert the generals at Dragon City too?” another one spoke, although unsolicited, his suggestion was timely. Niten pondered for a few moments.

“No,” he said, surprising his comrades, and added, sounding as stringent and concise as possible, “Let me tell everyone of you that this matter should be contained between me, all of you here, and the elders of the lesser cities. This will not reach the ears of the Dragon City generals or anyone in Dragon City for that matter. Have I made myself clear?”

“What should I tell the elders sir?” the guard-turned-emissary asked again. It seemed to Niten that everyone liked to annoy him that day. He knew that the Heavens were testing him. The guard was fortunate enough not to receive the warden's wrath.

“Tell them,” Niten breathed deep and spoke, “Bloody Anwhei is on the loose.”


Wolfy's notes: I have already written the next three chapters. The fifth is still being written. I will be updating this fic monthly. Promise!

22 January 2008

The usual things.

The usual scenario of Wolfy-chan waking up late happened again earlier this morning. I had to brush my teeth in record time and change from my sleeping clothes to school uniform. I can't imagine how you will react to me not taking a bath but I was really in a hurry. (Que horror, really, to think that I'm a nursing student.) Take note that I have done this many a time so I wasn't a bit bothered. At least I took a completely cleansing bath the night before.

I arrived school some ten to fifteen minutes after eight. My class on Tuesdays usually start 7:30, Health Economics by Ma'am Basco. I was so thankful that she didn't give a quiz, or forgot to give it. I slowly climbed up to the fifth floor where we usually held our class. When I got there, panting with thighs sore from the effort, I saw another class using the room so I had to find my class. It didn't take me a minute. I found them at the skills lab one, the room that usually witnessed my late arrivals last trimester and where Ma'am Pe always admonished, "Mr. Anongos I don't want any dramatic entrances anymore," after which she'd ask for a valid reason why I came in late. Of course I couldn't provide her with an answer those days because I usually overslept. I'm a sleep deprived animal.

The rest of the day passed with me usually worn out. Arrived home at about seven or eight. I could only guess since I didn't take a look at my mobile. Ate dinner alone, as always on weekdays. Then I took a nice cold bath. It's usually a cold bath for me. I love a cold shower. I don't know why really. Maybe because it's the usual ritual for me?

Then I checked my e-mail. Found a couple of Friendster comments turned messages from Leda. I replied because that's the usual thing we do, reply whenever someone starts a healthy conversation.

Then I'm now off to Lala Land. Ain't that usual for you too?

20 January 2008


A minute ago, I finished my report in fundamentals of nursing that will be presented tomorrow morning. It is all about the different fields of nursing. It's a powerpoint presentation, actually. I initially planned on writing it down on plain manila paper or have it in acetate form but I decided against it since two of my groupmates already have their laptops.

I'm choosing between hospital or institutional nursing and nursing education. Why? Avenues for progress in nursing practice are very open in both since I'll be compelled to upgrade my skills in seminars and in the clinical area. I also want to teach someday after I get my masters.


Leda already has a Globe number thank goodness. She's been a Smart loyalist ever since so I'm a bit happy because with the 232 function, I'll be able to call her anytime at a lower cost.

A random sketch from rand0msketches.

I got this from Ate Jo's blog.


What Rudolph Means

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people.
Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems.
Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.


08 January 2008

A bit of good news.

Ma'am Pe, our teacher in health care 2 last trimester, is still our teacher in foundations of nursing, CHD, and strat. Initially, I got the news from Ian that she's indeed our teacher in "one of our subjects" which turned out to be two subjects, strat and CHD, but earlier this morning news came straight from Ma'am Pe herself that she'll be our teacher in foundations too. How nice, I thought. Ma'am's really a competent teacher and a little strict for my liking. She'll be with us Mondays and Thursdays the whole day.

Now for a bit of bad news to balance the meal, Leda's edol(her laptop) still hasn't got a genuine OS. I told her to install pirated OS but she had divided thoughts on it. I played the devil's advocate (I'm really good at this) and encouraged her to take my advice through our correspondence in Friendster. We'll it's not half as bad if it's properly done. Genuine OS is just way beyond the normal budget students like us have.

That would be all for now.


01 January 2008

New Year

The whole family, sans father, greeted the new year together. Papi Ben was even there, though he didn't participate much in the picture taking and stuff. He just ate New Year's Eve dinner inside the house.

It was fun. We rarely get to stay together in a single place for five minutes these days. But father didn't call. Maybe he had work or couldn't get through the busy phone lines. He called yesterday though and that alone will suffice.

Mama and the twins hit the sack before three and I at five.