25 February 2008

Friendster post [11-3-06 at 7:40 pm]

I wrote this for APC over a year ago. I have not the chance to improve this poem. All the advice I got from fellow APCers, I have already forgotten. Perhaps I should dig up their old comments and use them for butchering this poem further.

If you're an amateur writer, there is never a finished poem. A poem goes through many processes before you can finally put it to rest and try your luck at having it published in your local paper or magazine. A Violet Dream is already edited but I won't post it yet. Not now. On my birthday maybe.


This poem was written because Kuya Neil made a writing prompt to use the theory of existentialism in poetry. I never understood what he said but I just wrote this stuff. Hahaha!

Saffron Serenity (edited again today before posting at 2:17pm)
by Rudolph C. Anongos Jr.

I am desperate
to hesitate
the voices that dictate
the decisions I make

I'll tell them to stop
with any luck I'll succeed
in persuading them
to shut their mouths up

They contain me,
hold back my jaws,
clip short my claws.
Sympathy’s never a reward.

They never did care
if crooked teachings
and preachings of theirs
led me astray. Period.

I really am a fool
Used and re-used over
And over again
Perhaps I always will.


[Added thoughts before posting. 2:21pm]

As I read the above post that I wrote over a year ago, I realized that the principle of editing and polishing poems does not only apply to amateur writers but to everyone else as well. Kuya Neil does have much influence on my views on this because he was the one who introduced the concept to me in the first place but with constant practice, I have found this concept quite true.

Because we are not Frost or Browning, I think it is only appropriate to look back at one's poems and assess if improvements should be made.

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