19 December 2007

The ride home in an Erjohn and Almark bus had been half the hell on earth. The aircon was only in fan mode up to the airport road intersection. Everyone was demanding for it to be turned on but the driver seemed not to have heard us.

What's the whole point of riding an "airconditioned bus" if the aircon is turned off? We had to open the windows just to relieve ourselves of the seemingly suffocating heat. The driver even had the nerve to take in more passengers even though he was overloading and the heat was already unbearable for everyone, including that poor baby in the front seats.

I'm pretty sure. That bus is already marked along with its incompetent driver.


Today we performed our role playing project in social anthropology. It was all about a girl who "saw" the Virgin Mary while convulsing from hunger and started a messianic movement out of it. She attracted followers but was then found out in the end to be a cheating scumbag. She got forgiveness from her members.


Thinking about the whole story of our activity always makes me laugh. It was rushed work, if you know what I mean. Good thing Aya used her adlib skills well along with everyone.

First post.

Today is my best friend's birthday. (It's 12 in the morning on my watch already.)

Exactly a week ago, it was my birthday.

Now both of us are already eighteen.

This blog highlights that very special event.

This blog will feature our life from eighteen onwards.

- Wolfy-chan