27 December 2007

Love and Peace!

I did a Trigun marathon. Trigun was showed during my elementary years but then I never got a chance to watch it. Not until now.

It didn't waste my time, true. But I have to admit that the tearjerker moments became increasingly heavy as the show progressed. And I didn't expect that factor to motivate me to finish the whole series in one sitting. The plot seemed confusing at first but thank goodness it was patched up in the middle of the show.

Vash was just too reluctant to blow up people's heads and when he did, he cried, showing his softer, human side. And his brother was just plain evil.

Sigh. I had high hopes that he would kill his brother. But he didn't, which was a total disappointment. At least, that's my interpretation because it seemed to have had a semi-hanging ending which wouldn't seem that way if one took a closer look at the last episode.