18 June 2008

reply to a disgruntled writer


roses are red, violets are blue
when i flush the toilet, i remember you..

ok na?

my reply:

Red is a wondrous color
I can't help but notice too
But your brand of poetry
Reminds me of brown poo

One thing that I can tell you:
Write but not in vain,
onerous as it may be,
just to keep us sane.

09 June 2008

Roland Garros

Nadal pawned Federer. Again. I was rooting so much for Federer but then his backhand shots were just so... grr...

05 June 2008

Four days is all that's left of my vacation. And I can't wait for those four days to pass by and for Tuesday to greet me. Independence Day has been moved so Monday becomes a holiday instead of Thursday, thanks to the lovely president.

We'll be having an orientation at the Ospital ng Maynila on Tuesday so we'll be donning smock gowns again. (Yes, the horrible white smock gowns.) I remember the orientation to have been scheduled last January or February but then it was canceled. The hospital's near the school and the buses from Cavite pass by it everyday so I won't be having a problem on getting there on time, unlike the other hospitals which are located away from Manila.


I need a haircut, again and I need to get my pin tomorrow. I really hope that my pin's already made because my pinning is on Thursday. I can't get pinned if I don't have one! (Okay, I can get pinned and use another proxy pin that has another person's name on it. But that's not memorable! Haha! I want my pinning to be memorable even though it's a small event.)


I'm nervous and excited in unequal proportions. I have this feeling that everything I've learned is not enough for me to render good service once I start my clinical duty. It's always been something that I expected to occur. Expecting meaning that I still can do something about it. ^_^ Review. Review. Review. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Ask. Ask. Ask.

Oh, and I almost forgot. Practice. Practice. Practice.

04 June 2008

new people

I've added two new contacts on my blogroll. Everyone say hi to raysoul and ein. I met them through the ragnaboards blogging thread. raysoul is a gamer and an IT graduate while ein is a student, yeah just like me, who's taking up pharmacy.